Maqsimum reliable.
Since 25 years.

We are familiar with sophisticated software solutions.
Our developers and consultants have worked on LIMS and EHS systems specialized, here we are the number 1 in the German-speaking area.
We combine IT competence with many years of practical experience of our employees. This combination makes us the perfect consultant and companion.
We map all industry-standard work processes with the necessary precision and depth. Regulatory requirements and legal frameworks are automatically incorporated into our products. We pay special attention to usability. Your employees should perceive our programs as intuitive, using them is easy after a short period of familiarization. This in turn saves you time and money.
As your partner, we will of course also be at your side afterwards. Whether as a contact for optimization or as quick help with questions that arise from time to time. Of course, we also keep an eye on all changes in the regulatory or legal framework and adapt our software in a timely manner. Regular updates are standard with us.
We give you security
The name MAQSIMA stands for material, quality and safety management and describes the central components of the software solutions that support companies in their daily work against the background of constantly increasing liability risks. MAQSIMA has been certified according to the guidelines of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 for over 10 years.
Dipl. Kfm. Christoph Niewöhner, Managing Director
Christoph Niewöhner studied business administration at Saarland University with a focus on business informatics. During his studies he worked freelance for numerous companies in the areas of business process optimization and software implementation. Christoph Niewöhner is a co-founder and shareholder of Diebold Business Solutions GmbH, a subsidiary of Debis Systemhaus and T-Systems. There he was responsible for the areas of business process management and optimization. Today he is the managing partner of MAQSIMA.
Dipl. Kfm., Dipl. Wirt.-Ing (FH) Thomas Rosche, authorized signatory
Thomas Rosche completed his studies in business administration at Saarland University and then graduated with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Southern Colorado (USA). Parallel to his work at MAQSIMA, he completed his studies in industrial engineering at the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences. For several years he worked as a consultant for Diebold Managementberatung and Detecon International. In 2005 he came to MAQSIMA as a business unit manager, today he is a shareholder and authorized signatory.
Dipl. Inf. Günter Hector, authorized signatory
Günter Hector studied computer science at Saarland University and was a research associate at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). He then worked as a software developer at I-Punkt software GmbH, later as a project manager and then as head of software development at imc AG (E-Learning Management Systems). In 2003 he took over the development of the LAB+ solution at MAQSIMA GmbH. He has been an authorized signatory since 2008.

Your maqsimum competent contact person

How we tick
Three things are particularly important to us

The highest qualityof development, consulting and support services is mandatory. This leads to long-term customer relationships built on trust. Here you can introduce yourself and your professional career.

A partnership at eye level is natural for us. The respectful and trusting dialogue guarantees optimal solutions that give our customers sustainable competitive advantages.

Desire for innovationis at the top of the list for all of us. Because we want our customers to always be one step ahead. Our software is structured in such a modular way that we can always add new features. That pleases our IT experts and of course the customers.
We all work together to continuously improve our solutions and consulting products. To do this, we evaluate our operational processes, look at the results and optimize them.
Corporate Social Responsibility
We take our responsibility to society seriously. Therefore we are:
family friendlych
We actively support childcare and make it possible to combine caring for relatives with work.
We have implemented many measures for the health of our employees.
resource sensitive
Energy efficiency is a particular focus for us.
We have been taking part in the “think before printing” environmental campaign for years.
we support the addiction and youth welfare association in its work.

company chronicle
1990 Founding of i-Punkt software GmbH
1999 Founding of MAQSIMA GmbH
2001 Merger under the umbrella of TÜV Saarland Grup
2006 Takeover of the majority shares by Certina IT AG
2024 Takeover of the majority stake by the Bassetti Group