pollutant register
The module MAQSIMA TMS | SK - pollutant register is a powerful solution for the management, assessment and documented removal of pollutants in buildings and
technical systems. Asbestos,Heavy metals (such as lead),
polychlorinatedBiphenyls (PCB), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), Wood preservatives (PCP, Lindane, Carbolineum) are just a few
Pollutants that were commonly found in buildings and building facilities before the ban
were used for different purposes. The pollutants can occur under certain conditions
Conditions contaminate indoor air, endangering building users.
In many cases is the dismantling of the contaminated parts of the building and the
appropriate one Disposal of the contaminated Material necessary and required by law.
The new moduleTMS | SK offers companies an efficient tool to achieve the necessary
To systematically control the steps from documenting suspected pollutants to disposal of the polluted material. The first step is to record possible parts of buildings and facilities that are contaminated with pollutants or contaminated parts of the system. Sampling and analysis of the samples in laboratories confirms or refutes the suspicion of pollutants. Based on the proven pollutant load, the next step is to select and prioritize the necessary protection and remediation measures. Since not all measures can be carried out directly, the pollutant register offers the opportunity to regularly check the specified measures until the cleanup is carried out in order to be able to react to changes in the situation if necessary.
Before remediation, a waste concept can be used to determine which type of pollutant removal makes sense for each individual pollutant (e.g. landfilling, incineration, utilization/recycling). For renovation planning, the quantities to be dumped can be estimated in advance based on the pollutant load in order to determine the necessary. Inquire about or reserve landfill capacities. The detailed documentation of the renovation and the removal of pollutants is the final step of a successful renovation measure.
The pollutant register offers the user an up-to-date view of possible pollutant levels and the current status of planning as well as the elimination of proven contamination. This means that the module TMS | SK provides valuable support for our customers in meeting the legal requirements regarding pollution and disposal.
Learn more via MAQSIMA TMS modules.