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In der Petrochemie kommt es darauf an, möglichst viele Messdaten sicher und einfach zu verwalten und auszuwerten. MAQSIMA Lab+ | Das LIMS bietet Sicherheit auch bei großen Datenmengen


MAQSIMA LAB+ | DAS LIMS - simply and clearly manage and evaluate data

In the petrochemical industry, it is important to manage and evaluate as much measurement data as possible safely and easily. MAQSIMA LAB+ enables users in the systems to call up their sample data quickly and clearly using simplified masks. Defined samples are created by the system based on continuous sample plans.

MAQSIMA LAB+ | Security even with large amounts of data

Automated data import from a large number of measuring devices means that results can be recorded quickly and reliably. Out-of-control situations and trends are recognized and reported via defined control charts as soon as the measured values are recorded.

If necessary, release and measurement data exports forward production-relevant data to external systems.

MAQSIMA Lab+ | Das LIMS ist das LIMS für die Pharmabranche
MAQSIMA LAB+ | Das LIMS wird erfolgreich in der Kosmetikbranche angewendet.
MAQSIMA LAB+ | Das LIMS wird erfolgreich in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie angewendet.
MAQSIMA LAB+ | Das LIMS wird erfolgreich in der Chemiebranche angewendet.
MAQSIMA LAB+ | Das LIMS ist das erfolgreiche All in One Labormanagementsystem.
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